Pieces Of Chess That Can Move Diagonally
Chess is one of the top games to exist in the world. What makes chess more interesting is the beautiful chess pieces. All these pieces have their unique ways of moving on the board, and some chess pieces move diagonally, too, and it’s very common.
Typically, there are 4 chess pieces out of all that can move diagonally; name the bishop, the king, the queen, and the pawn when attacking. The bishop in chess is the only piece that can move any number of unoccupied squares in any diagonal direction, which is quite interesting.
This is what I will discuss in this article, and I will disclose the reasons behind the diagonal movements of all 4 chess pieces. So, let’s get started.
1. Bishop
Let’s begin with the bishop, which is the first piece in chess that moves diagonally, and it is its diagonal movement that defines it. This is the only movement a bishop can perform, and it can move any number of unoccupied squares that are too diagonally.
A bishop efficiently attacks the opponent’s pieces and captures their positions. The game has two bishops, out of which one is supposed to move on the white squares and the other on the black squares.
2. King
The next piece that moves diagonally is the king. You might think of this piece later when enlisting diagonally moving pieces. But this older man can easily move one square in any diagonal direction. However, there are certain restrictions on the king, which are as follows:
- The rules of chess do not allow the king to keep a check on himself. It cannot move onto a square already under attack by the opponent’s piece.
- King has one common restriction with all the other pieces. It cannot move onto the squares occupied by the same-colored parts.
- If squares are under the opponent’s actively defended pieces, the king cannot move onto those squares.
- A special chess move gets eliminated when the king moves first before casting.
A king is not restricted to moving diagonally; he has the liberty to move horizontally and vertically. It can also attack the other unprotected pieces on the same squares they can carry.
3. Queen
The very powerful chess piece, the queen, can also move diagonally. It swiftly moves across the board in any direction it likes. Be it diagonal, horizontal, or vertical movement, the queen is the master of all activities.
The queen’s movements are like rook and bishop; she can also move any number of unoccupied squares, just like the bishop. How it efficiently attacks and captures a piece conquering the square after that, is quite impressive.
4. Pawn
The odd one out, the pawn, is the fourth diagonally moving chess piece that can move only forward in the horizontal direction. They are allowed to move only two squares in their first turn, but after that, they can only move one square on each turn for the rest of the game.
The pawn can only transform into a diagonal-moving chess piece when it attacks an opponent horizontally. It is only allowed to attack forward diagonally and can neither move nor attack backward. It’s against the chess rules.
There is a special chess move termed “pawn promotion”, which is a special way for a pawn to move diagonally. In this movement, a pawn reaches the other side of the board and is then removed from the board. It gets exchanged for a bishop, knight, queen, or rook of the same color.
“En passant” is also one of the special diagonal pawn movements. In this, a pawn attacks another pawn who didn’t allow the pawn to attack by making a two-move jump.
The king is the slowest piece of chess that can only move one step in every direction. Be it moving forward, backward, to the sides, or diagonally, the king can do it all. It can also capture any opponent pieces that stand in any square surrounding the king.
Unlike the bishop, the rook cannot move in a diagonal direction. The rooks can only move up, down, right, or left on the board. This also depends on the amount of space they get. Otherwise, they cannot move.
The 3 special moves in chess are castling, promotion, and En passant. The promotion and En passant moves are the two movements for the pawn. The castling move is for the king, who moves two spaces to its left or right, and the rook on that side moves to the opposite side of the king.
All the chess pieces that move diagonally provide a greater chance of winning the game. These pieces are an important asset of chess, and the game is incomplete without them. And now that you have learned the reasons behind their diagonal moves, you can play smartly and win the game.
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